Mr. Jose Sandoval is the owner and principal at JLS Consulting Engineers. He received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV), and He is licensed in the State of Nevada.
Mr Sandoval had worked for two well-known local electrical engineering consultants where he acquired the experience in building electrical design with major focus in commercial and institutional infrastructure.
Mr. Sandoval had also worked in the Automated Transist System (ATS) including Automated Train Control (ATC), System integrator, Communication, Power distribution and he also oversaw the rehabilitation program for an old monorail system.
Mr. Sandoval has many years of active field experience in installation,inspection and commissioning. He is an active member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE, Industrial Application Society (IAS),Power and Energy Society (PES) and National Association of Amusement Ride Safety Officials NAARSO.